FREE Training for Artists, Songwriters & Musicians!
How to Generate a Six Figure Income as an Independent Musician Through TV & Film Sync Placements
...Without Giving Up The Rights To Your Music!
Tuesday, July, 2022 8:30 PM EDT
Learn How To Become A Part of This GROWING $900,000,000 Industry!
- In this masterclass, I'm going to share HOW to get into it, and HOW you can take advantage of it NOW.
- While most musicians know WHAT music licensing is, and how Profitable it can be, the vast majority of musicians don't know HOW to license their music.
- With over 970 TV Shows Currently in Production and Active Development, there is an Abundance of Opportunity for musicians who know HOW to navigate this part of the industry.
- Every Day, music supervisors and editors are Searching for New Music for those productions. As an artist and creator, with great songs, they Need Your Songs.
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In this Masterclass you will learn HOW to Create Long-Term Income, with Less Work, by Leveraging TV & Film Sync Placements.
Hi, I'm Michael Elsner, and some of my Recent Sync Placements include:

Become a Top Performer in this Fast Growing Field!

Start Generating Consistent TV and Film Placements

Turn Your Passion of Writing and Recording Music into a Career
Start Getting Your Music on TV Shows Today!
Please note: I hate spam as much as you do. I’ll never sell or rent your e-mail, and I never send out e-mails which I don’t think could help your music career.
Yes, I want to learn how to get my music into Film & TV!